Saturday, September 20, 2014

Anatomical models on sale. Commissions accepted

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 Good night, my children,

  I have some news for you, this weekend two of my most eccentric apprentices will make an appearance with their finest garments in Japan Weekend of Madrid. They are taking those cute little fingers I showed you the other day out for a walk. I you happen to come across them, be good and treat them well, they are very talented students.

  If any of you is interested in purchasing a piece of my collection or wants to make a specific commission, don't be afraid to ask my apprentices or contact me.

  Now you can also check out the pieces available in the Catalogue.

  Sweet dreams, my dears...
Marguerite B. Malèvre

Friday, September 19, 2014

A tale before going to sleep? The dark truth behind fairytales

versión en español

Good night, my dears,

  it's getting late, but a sharp mind never rests, right? In my times, in order to help children fall asleep we used to tell stories, and I have always felt fascinated by them. Perrault, brothers Grimm, Andersen...

  I would tell you one, but I suspect my version may not be the same you know: regrettably, with the coming and going of the years, those endearing stories my mother usually told me have changed. With such a thick sugar coating I can barely get a glimpse of the original tale! I admit they can be harsh sometimes, but is it not that harshness what attracts us irresistibly?

  There are sexual hints everywhere in these stories, but over time, the first versions got those bits sanitized while the level of violence grew ostensibly (very curious how we think, violence is acceptable but sex is not).

  And you all know about the infamous stepmother of Snow White, or Hansel and Gretel's, a woman who was incapable of loving children unrelated to her, so she decides to finish them off. In the first versions, however, there was no stepmother, only a biological mother. Atrocious, of course! But it is undeniable that not all mother love their children unconditionally...
...and I suppose you will ask me here "madame Malèvre, do you have children?" Oh, my, for me all of you are my dearest children, and my love for you is unquestionable. True, love can be expressed in many ways.

  Although I will probably talk about these fairytales sometime again, I encourage you to look around if you are interested because there is plenty of places with lots of information about it.

  I will leave you with some illustrations by Ángela Acosta, her unique style inspired by the fairytales can be seen accompanying a recent edition of "The Bloody Chamber" of Angela Carter. Since it may be kind of difficult to find, I will also leave here a link to some of her creations.

  Sweet dreams, my dears...
Marguerite B. Malèvre

Thursday, September 18, 2014

First pieces of the colection. A good idea for Halloween

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  Well, my boys, it's nearing the end of the warm season, and with that starts a new working plan...

  I have already planted the seeds of the new project I have in mind, and it seems that with a bit of an effort, they are starting to sprout. I just hope my neighbours don't get shocked...

  I will bring the finished pieces very soon. Have patience, my dearests!

Marguerite B. Malèvre

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


 versión en español

  My full name is Anne Marie Marguerite Bihéron Malèvre. I have travelled and seen a lot for years, and now I have finally decided to settle down again and start a little business. I am currently living in the warm lands of Spain, for now, but I am a fickle woman, ¿who knows when I will move again?

  I am specially fond of some of the museums I visited in Europe, like Musée Dupuytren of pathological anatomy in my homeland, in Paris, or the anatomical museum of Montpellier, and of course Museo Specola in Florence. That is why I have resolved to put my knowledge to work, so that I can bring you some of the rarest objects to this my chamber of wonders.

  I sincerely hope you enjoy as much as I do with the specimens and information I will write here...

  See you soon, my dearests.

Marguerite B. Malèvre